Monday, September 22, 2008

President's Note: Apple Valley Metro

Finally the news is offical, Apple Valley Metro can be unveiled. We have purchased the nearby tiny island (a twenty minute ferry ride) and established Apple Valley Metro.

The heart of Apple Valley Metro was going to be the PAG campus, 50% of the tiny island was PAG property. However PAG decided that a seperate island (one hour ferry ride) would do better for the students so that they had no fear of running into family members. PAG allowed us to keep paying for our portion of the island even though they would not be active on AVM. There are also urban properties being built (designed by Apple Valley's own Li Sweeny) to accommadate housing for multiple familes in the form of apartment complexes, townhomes and condos. We have agreed to allow PAG graduates a guarenteed percentage of the dwellings, so that they would have a place to return to after graduation. Also, they can expect subsidized rent.

We are hopeful that the island will be open for the public by the end of this simWinter.

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