Friday, May 25, 2007

Hood Council Note: Last Update

Ayanna called and starting asking me some tough questions about the status of my goals on the hood council. This is not whatI needed, especially with managing the Farmer's Market and preparing for the Food Expo and the interruption with the whole Season's chaos. I'm not as young as I used to be. Thankfully my term is almost complete and I don't plan on running again. I want to enjoy my elderhood.

  • Establish a Family Day for residents to go outside the home/at home entertainment: Not accomplished-will promote families to use simSaturday for this day. Should a fine be instated for defiance of this?

  • Increase number of parties thrown: not accomplished-most families celebrate with cake inviting only immediate family members. Perhaps give out best party awards. Best party of the simweek?

  • Build a university house: Done, however the house functions as a dorm to house ten students: five males/females in two double rooms and one single room (for the RA) per sex.

  • Reduce discrimination amoung elders: not started. most elders are content with jobs in the city, did set up a automatic pension plan for OFB elder employees.

  • Encourage groups to meet regularly and correct current group lists: not done, with the Seasons chaos this is better to be put off for next term.

For the next term recommend delegating tasks to other sims as such:

  • Community Director Tasks: Secure family values, uphold rights for children and elders, ensure a family friendly and healthy community for current and future generations. Ensure a quality education system for residents. Ensure adequate culture, local food produce, restaurants and bars, and social meeting places.

  • Medical Director Tasks:Perform research about medical issues of sims, ensure the quality of living in the hood via environmental testing for viruses, educating residents on healthy habits and staying abreast of the latest medical advancements.

  • Archives and Technology Director Tasks:Assist in the management of family tree information, collect community & residents registry, manage the local library. Manage the website.Test and implement 3rd party technology and perform back-ups of resident information.

I also suggest that we give those sims a small stipend for thier duties, however they would not have voting rights on the Hood Council, but would merely serve as directors of hood related tasks. This gives more residents responsibility for hood matters and spreads the burden off the hood council members who are not paid as full-time employees and must manage other duties and jobs.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Hood Council Note: Hood Council Report

The new term will begin soon and Ayanna asked us all to submit a council report of our tasks and recommendations.

My goals for the term:

  • Build upon the current business laws: done, a very intensive law has been drafted and approved

  • Revisit taxes and find an easy system to deduct taxes and fees: done, taxes are now taken every simMonday. Residents must obtain thier payment invoices by this simFriday and set-up the payments to the hood council. This makes the payments automatic, need to determine where the payments will go.

  • Establish a program for Small Business Loans: not done

  • Build a Community Memorial Gardens: done and successful

  • Revamp Celebration Park: done, but a bit crowded with the new features, may have to build a second park


  • Might need to divide tasks a bit more. It is difficult to manage the real estate of the hood, especially things like parks, however do not see a clear way to divide the tasks as of yet, except to have more resident input or maybe hire a part-time consultant to control the real estate issues of the hood since this isn't a full time issue.

  • Financial Director Tasks: Oversee hood finances, implement taxes and welfare support. Coordinate local trades and import based on needs of the community, oversee local businesses and associated laws, collect taxes and fees from residents.

  • Real Estate Consultant Tasks:Manage community lots, construction of new homes and destruction of homes. Manage the local real estates and architectural planning of the hood, including any community lots, general beautifying and landscape community gardens, recreation areas and health of animals and native plants.

Hood Council Note: Hood Council Report

Things have been flying in my mind regarding the hood council and the administration of the hood. Should we elect the council members for life terms? or remain with the two simweek term? Should we try to have more residents manage hood businesses like the medical center and The Centre which is home to the hood council offices and gift shop. We're looking into creating customized Apple Valley paraphernalia like cups and t-shirts and maybe some photo prints. I need to sit down and focus on the hood a bit more, it's hard to focus on it when I have another job as well. Perhaps we can look into making the hood council members full time employees and increasing thier salaries as such...or at least the hood president should become a full time employee. Hmmm, so much to think about.

With the new term approaching I need to complie a report of the hood council's tasks and achievements.

The status of my goals this term:

  • Host a family for the SUN Exchange for one simweek: looking for a family to host, sent one family to Palatial Heights, budgeted for a family to come to Apple Valley and have a family signed up for the SUN Exchange.

  • Participate in all SUN Activities: done-Food Expo starts this June, budget for the event is set and business owners have applied for grants, signed up a family for the SUN Exchange

  • Re-Establish fines/community service for conflicts: not done, looking at the need to establish a jail or simply impose fines. Might need to start charging fines for damage to trash cans, stealing of newspapers and other minor events. At the moment, no distrubrances noted.

  • Increase local military by building military base and offering military scholarships to university students in exchange for service: not done, military career is full, no need for additional sims, however with the two military sims approaching elderhood, this scholarship may need to be offered during the next term. Must need to stay prepared.

Recommendations for next hood council term:

  • Finding a Security Officer to train local troup for secret commands, maintain international security including the transport of deadly viruses via object deliveries. Prevent criminality, solve local conflicts, manage domestic security. Also, would oversee the jail if one is ever built.

  • The Hood President would focus on the following tasks: Coordinating the Hood Council's work, being the voice and face of Apple Valley, coordinate hood council meetings, official spokesim for the hood. Manage foreign alliances, enforce laws and immi-/emigration, serve as SUN Core member.

  • Increasing the salary of the council members

  • Making the hood president a full-time position with an increased salary to manage thier livihood

  • Taking over The Centre as a OFB lot and hiring local residents to manage the gift shop, and the newspaper office.

  • Creating Apple Valley paraphernalia like cups, t-shirts, photo prints, etc.