Monday, December 29, 2008

Pastoral Notes: Church Fees

Instead of a raise, from now on fees for weddings and funerals will be paid directly to me. I will be paid 75% of the fee and the remaining 25% will go towards the upkeep of the church.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Education Note: Economy and PAG

The economy has affected even PAG. It was noted earlier that PAG decided to build it's campus on another small nearby island instead of AV Metro. PAG is changing it's name to Pierce University that specializes in university degrees and the board has approved a plan for a local administration of the university. They offered the job as University President. My job duties will increase as Educational Director and thankfully I'll have a much better salary since PU will be paying me. Some immediate changes, thanks to the economic downturn, are increased fees and admission requirements:

Apple Valley Academy: §100 a SimYear (Hapar-Peacar) per student.
Application for Graduation from AVA: C average or better, score a 6 in one skill exam.

Pierce University: §1000/semester
Kimkura University: §4000/year

Admissions to Pierce University: A score of at least 15 on thier entrance exam and at least 15 skill points to enter.

GPA (3pts-A, 2pts-B, 1pt-C)
+ # Extracurriculars (1pt each)
+ # Skill points (1pt each)
+ # Hobby Points
+ # Years Work Experience

Each class is limited to four sims each.

Admissions to Kimikura University: A score of at least 15 on thier entrance exam, at least a 3.0 GPA, and at least 15 skill points to enter.

+ # GPA points (4pts-4.0, 3.9 pts-3.9, etc)
+ # Extracurriculars (1pt each)
+ # Skill points (1pt each)
+ # Hobby Points

Each class is limited to two sims each.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Medical Notes: New Medical Centre & Fees

With the slowing of the economy, every resident is making cutbacks, including the medical centre.

New Centre
We have sold the land that the medical centre sits on and with the help of Li Sweeny, we're revamping the medical centre. Let's face it, we're a small hood and we do not need the high tech services as the larger hoods, The medical centre will now have a small gift shop and pharmacy, examination room, small waiting area, and small operation room (with plastic surgery, labor and delivery and other surgeries).

Job Cutbacks
We no longer have the need for a pharmacist, which is probably great news to the young man we hired. I have a feeling that he rather be anywhere but here. However, that means that for the time being I must run everything. I will now attend all births and surgeries.

Fee Increases
Fees have also increased for several medical services.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Education Note: Economy's Effects on AVA

The economy has effected the construction of AVA. Instead of the state of the art facility we had planned, we've had to scrape plans and revise a smaller cheaper school. We had to demolish the building and sell the materials for scrap in order to save money. I know, it sounds odd, but a lot of civic buildings are doing the same thing.

The curriculm is the same. Students must pass the Skills Exams with the same scores.

The main difference is that classes will be mostly lectured based except for the following:
-Music, students will study the piano.
-Art, students will study the fine art of painting and sketching.
-PE, students will study tai chi, yoga, boxing, ballet, football and aerobic fitness.

The new building will consist of 2 main classrooms (elementary/junior high and high school), one general purpose classroom (with piano, ballet barre and indoor easels), small cafeteria and outdoor space.

We are the only civic owned building not decreasing jobs. We are in need of a primary school teacher and are currently searching for that (if you know of a teacher, or wish to apply, please email me.)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Infrastructure and Restricted Import Laws

Some good news and bad news.

New Infrastructure for the Hood
-The hood council approved the proposal for new infrastructure for the hood. We now have a slightly better system, however there is some bad news.

Restricted Import Laws
-Only the most necessary items will be allowed to be imported. Effective immediately, only items created by the MAXIS company can be used. We have already approved modifications of MAXIS appliances as well as a few tables and chairs from PiggiSims. Some wallpaper and floor tiles are being investigated from Parsimonious. Clothing has been ordered from All-About-Style and stylists have been trained for Nouk hairstyles and Lyran makeup only. Modifications of such MAXIS items will be allowed on a case-by case basis. Applications must be submitted for each item. To ensure that superficial requests do not flood my inbox, all families must wait until simThursday (it is now the dawn of simTuesday) to submit any requests. Requests will be handled based on how many families have a need for an item.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Financial Notes: Economy Slowing

The economy has been slowing and many residents are making cutbacks, some business owners are selling thier businesses to access the capital in exchange for simoleans, which means some sims will be out of jobs.

Thankfully we have met and have a plan for the hood to survive these changes.

  • Residents will move to gated communities. These homes are more affordable with 7 simday leases and allow for more intimacy in the hood with residential relations. This also allows residents to tap into thier home equity to free up cash reserves. This is not an option, residents are expected to be moved into a home by simTuesday (except for the Grey family).
  • Business owners will have the option to consolidate thier businesses and/or sell them for the value of thier business. The remaining business lots will be consolidated to free up land space from the 1x1 lots to 2x1 and 3x1 lots. (Similar to Simmington Hill's Cedar Street Shops). This allows business owners to free up cash reserves.
  • Residents will recieve 3 simdays of free ferry fare to Apple Valley Metro in order to find jobs.
  • Career Capping will be instated: there will be a limited number of spaces available in each career track (2 sims per track) and once full no sims can take up a career in that path until a vacancy becomes clear. Once a vacancy is noted, the sim with the higher skills, interests, etc will be hired. Sims may still apply for jobs with local businesses to no limit.
  • Welfare is still available for needy sims. Residents can apply for welfare options.

Friday, November 28, 2008

President: Plans for the Term

For my term as Hood Council President, I propose the follow:

Coordinate the Hood Council's work

With the opening of Apple Valley Metro, the hood council must also oversee that small urban island as well as the small island where PAG is located. This means our territory is larger and the work is harder this term.

Coordinate hood council meetings

The same as always: simTuesday and simThursday evenings. Except now we will have more casual closed meetings for the main council only.

Official spokesim for the hood

  • Apple Valley Pride
    Create an Apple Valley flag

Manage foreign alliances

  • Urban Access
    Continue to invest in a more urban landscape for Apple Valley Metro. This would allow businesses to relocate to this urban center and apartments and multi-family housing to be built. This would allow Apple Valley proper to be the suburban haven for families filled with green space and parks. The island is approximately a 30 minute ferry ride from Apple Valley.
  • SUN Affliates
    Visit SUN hood affiliates and discuss ways our hoods can become better connected.
  • SUN Exchange
    Host a SUN Exchange family

Enforce laws and immigration/emigration

  • Seperate Immigration Laws
    Establish seperate immigration laws concerning teens for educational purposes and single adults for relationship purposes.
  • Stricter Enforcement of Fines
    Make sure that Security Director enforces fines
  • Increase Fees and Establish New Fees
    Doing hood business is expensive and residents will be asked to take on more of thier fair share.
    Newspaper Delivery: All households receiving the Apple Valley News must pay $20 subscription charge per week to the current editor-in-chief.

Serve as SUN Core member

Oversees administrative business lots

Community Director: Plans

My plans for the term as Community Director:

Secure family values, uphold rights for children and elders

  • Mandatory Family Day
    On simSaturday: Families must get out of the house and visit community lots, go on vacations, etc.
  • Retirement Community
    Assist with the planning of the retirement community.
Ensure a family friendly and healthy community for current & future generations.
  • Spirit of Community Awards
    Given to residents that protray the spirit of Apple Valley. Must be nominated. There will be a ceremony for the winner and a prize.
  • Beautiful Apple Awards
    Given to homes/businesses that are astechically pleasing in thier landscaping
  • Green Apple Awards
    Designation given to businesses that promote a greener world with thier environmental practices.

  • Create a Pet Policy
    Animals need to be governed by some policy, either registered, etc.
    Pet Registration: All pets must be registered and wearing a collar.

  • Set Up a Better System for Interest Groups
    Currently there's the Homemaker's Society, Garden Club, Historical Society and Grey Sims (no active members). There has been talk of a Book Club and a Financial/Investment Club, not to mention extracurriculars with the children.
  • Increase Housing Options
    Increase housing options for single adults, retirees and small families to relieve spacing issues in family homes. Apartment complexes and multi-family housing in AV Metro, a retirement community on AV Proper, and gated communities in AV Proper.

  • Farming Options
    Create a subsidy so that the farm may purchase full composting bins from residents
  • Fitness Park/Gym
    Construct a fitness park and gym for the hood or contact sources in AV Metro to have a fitness park established there as well.

Ensure adequate culture, local food produce, restaurants and bars, & social meeting places.

  • Community Art Competition
    Encourage more culture and arts in the hood by hosting an art competition. Residents will be able to submit a painting or photograph for the competition. The entries will be displayed at The Centre. The winning entry will be purchased and hung in The Centre and the winner will receive a small simolean prize. This competition should be done once each season to build up the community art collection.

  • Ms. Apple Pagent
    Host a Ms. Apple Pagent for area child/teen females.

  • Increase Culture and Social Options
    Add a sports park for residents to enjoy soccer, basketball, rollarskating/ice skating

    Create a children's park with updated playground equiptment to free up space at Alisa Crawston Park for concert events, fishing and picnics.

    Build a small concert arena at Alisa Crawston Park for special events.
Ensure a quality education system for residents

  • Monitor the Educational Director & PAG Headmaster.

  • Sign up local businesses to support the PAG by offering apprenticeships and scholarships.
  • Finish construction of PAG on nearby island, allowing students the freedom of being away from home, but the security that they are still nearby.

Financial Director: Plans

Here are my plans for the term.

Local businesses and associated laws

  • Establish a program for New Small Business Owners:
    Give new business owners $1000-$3000 credit towards purchase of a community lot.
    Help business owners network with other small business owners in other hoods, perhaps the resurgance of the Small Business Conference.

  • Establish a shareholder system for small businesses
  • Establish a plan for business certificates.
    Business owners must purchase business certificates for a cost. The certificate must be displayed at all times due to random checks. A file will be kept in the administrative offices.

  • Economic Research
    Research the wages of local workers and note the averages. Set a minimum wage based on averages from expenses and poverty lines.
  • Increase of job options due to Apple Valley Metro opening up.

Implement taxes and welfare support

  • Continue current tax structure.
Manage the local real estates and architectural planning of the hood
  • Gated Communities
    With the new deal signed, look into creating gated communities within the hood so that families can interact on a more intimate basis. Will include a luxury gated community, attached townhomes. This will free up land space for parks, community lots and better school. All residents will move into these gated communities except for the Grey family as they must manage thier farm and provide the hood with fresh produce.
  • Single Sim Housing
    With the new apartment complexes being built on Apple Valley Metro, single sims and recent graduates will be able to find cheaper housing. This will also allow the hood to allow more immigration.
  • Retirement Community
    Many elder sims do not wish to be a part of the day-to-day activities in thier home now that thier children are adults. A retirement community is planned so that they may enjoy thier golden years doing what they enjoy.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Education Note: Fundraiser

The academy is in need of some remodeling (study room & office for me) and new equiptment (musical equiptment, ballet barre). To raise money, the school will have a bake sale/crafts fair. All students will contribute something to sell, either a crafted item (painting, flower arrangement, pottery) or a baked item (dessert or meal). We will then open the school afterhours (well, the patio of the school) and sell the items.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Educational Notes: PAG International Partners

PAG is making quite an impact and we haven't even opened the doors to the first class, however we have recieved some wonderful news!

Kimikura University has opened its doors to the students of PAG for a study aboard program. So we worked with the president there to establish a program for the students.

Why do we want PAG students to have the opportunity to study abroad? Study abroad can be an enriching and eye-opening adventure, where learning extends to the world beyond the classroom walls. There is no substitute for living and studying in a foreign country if one wants to gain in-depth knowledge of another culture's customs, sims, and language.

Students can chose to study abroad for a semester or for an entire academic year.

Semester Study Abroad (3days/2nights)/Year Long Study Abroad (6days/5nights)

Tuition costs are the same and do not include airfare, room or board at Kimikura University.

Kimikura University will save space at the Kimikura Hall for students to reside in. There is a small communal kitchenette along with a cafeteria. Students will enjoy a study room and small rec room. Dorm rooms range from the simple to the deluxe with options for single students or roommates.

I can not wait to share photos of this endeavour.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Education Note: New AVA Campus

Construction is complete, downstairs there is the elementary (two classrooms, one for lower elementary (K-2) and one for upper elementary(3-5) and restrooms) and junior high pods (two classrooms, simlish and science; and restroom) and enclosed glass cafeteria.

Upstairs is the high school pod with music room, fitness hall, simlish classroom, art classroom and science classroom. As well as enclosed cafeteria and restrooms.

Monday, September 22, 2008

President's Note: Apple Valley Metro

Finally the news is offical, Apple Valley Metro can be unveiled. We have purchased the nearby tiny island (a twenty minute ferry ride) and established Apple Valley Metro.

The heart of Apple Valley Metro was going to be the PAG campus, 50% of the tiny island was PAG property. However PAG decided that a seperate island (one hour ferry ride) would do better for the students so that they had no fear of running into family members. PAG allowed us to keep paying for our portion of the island even though they would not be active on AVM. There are also urban properties being built (designed by Apple Valley's own Li Sweeny) to accommadate housing for multiple familes in the form of apartment complexes, townhomes and condos. We have agreed to allow PAG graduates a guarenteed percentage of the dwellings, so that they would have a place to return to after graduation. Also, they can expect subsidized rent.

We are hopeful that the island will be open for the public by the end of this simWinter.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Educational Note: School Changes

With the new school building almost complete, we decided to seperate the building into wings: high school, junior high school, and elementary school. Students should check the online website to see what grade level they have been assigned. We have been given premission to test new technology for aging and as a result, the new curriculm/grading/age requirements:

Elementary School
(children 0-6 simdays)
-generalized studies in all skill sets. Must pass skills exam with at least a one in five skills
-typical school day: morning period-skill studying/lunch break & recess/afternoon-skill studying
Junior High School
(teenagers 7-4 simdays remaining until adulthood)
-generalized studies in all skill sets. Must pass skills exam with at least a one in all skills
-typical school day: morning period-skill studying/lunch break/afternoon-skill studying

Secondary Education: Grades 9 & 10
(teenagers 4-2 simdays remaining until adulthood)
-specialized studies . Must pass skills exam with at least a four in one skill.
-typical school day: morning period-skill studying/lunch break/afternoon-skill studying

Secondary Education Grades 11 & 12
(teenagers 2 simdays remaining until adulthood)
-specialized studies. Students can chose up to three skill areas for specialized studies. Must pass skills exam with at least a six in at least one chosen specialized skill.
-typical school day: morning period-specialized studying/lunch break/afternoon-specialized studying

Classes are assigned with the help of the teacher. All students will take the following classes at least once. Classes are assigned depending on which specialized area is chosen and focuses within the class are chosen based on student preference.

Art & Music:
Students study art by composing thier own paintings and photography series, field trips to the local art gallery. Students study music by studying the violin or piano.

Elementary/Junior High : Students will spend at least one class period painting or learning the piano.

High School: Students will spend class periods learning the violin, piano or focusing on painting/photography.

Students study science by observing bacteria in microscopes, maintaining ant farms, repairing and creating basic electronic equiptment and observing nature.

Elementary/Junior High : Students will spend at least one class period observing bacteria, ants or nature (by hunting for bugs or birdwatching) and at least one class period creating basic electronic equiptment or listening to a lecture on general mechanics.

High School: Students will spend class periods observing birds, maintaining ant farms, studying bacteria or creating electronic equiptment.

Simish & History:
Students learn simish and history by composing letters and essays, presenting speeches, reading assignments and some movie viewing assignments.

Elementary/Junior High : Students will spend at least one class period presenting speeches and at least one class period doing reading assignments.

High School: Students will spend class periods presenting speeches, reading novels and writing articles.

Physical Education:
Students practice tai chi, yoga, boxing, ballet, football and aerobic fitness. Students also learn about nutrition and healthy eating.

Junior High: Students will spend at least one class period practicing boxing or football and at least one class period learning ballet.

High School: Students will spend class periods learning the tai chi, yoga and aerobic fitness.

Home Economics:
Students learn to maintain thier living space by learning proper cleaning concepts, and basic cooking recipes.

Elementary/Junior High : Students will spend at least one class period learning proper cleaning concepts and at least one class period learning basic cooking recipes.

High School: Students will spend class periods learning the advanced cleaning concepts and recipes.

Students are able to spend thier freetime playing games, reading or chatting with friends while eating thier lunch.

Students are given homework 2-3 times a simweek. Homework usually consists of simple assignments to be done with the help of the family. Occasionally students are asked to complete projects started on at school at home or to create projects at home and bring them to school.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Archives/Technology Officer Note: Cleaning Up

It's time again to clean up the import files. Some residents have complained about congrestion in the roadways, so we are working on making things go quicker. Hopefully by deleting files that have vague names will free up lots of space.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Education Notes: PAG Urban Campus and AVA Campus

After a meeting with the hood council and the PU board, the PAG campus will be relocating. AV proper doesn't have enough room for the plans of the PU Board. PAG will be moving to AV Metro, the nearby island that we have purchased. Actually, PU has paid for 75% of the purchase cost of the island and the costs to make it livable since most of the island will be the PAG campus.

The new campus will have more classroom buildings and seperate dorms in addition to some subsidized off-campus housing in the form of apartments surrounding the campus. AV Metro will also provide additional housing for younger sims without congesting ancestoral homes in AV Proper.

The old PAG campus will be converted to the AVA campus and the old AVA and teacher home will be demolished. A small 2x2 lot and house will be built (which I am proud to say that I will be owning)

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cashier Job Security and Business Restructing

Cashier Job Security
There is a major fear that with the new automated register machines that many sims will be out of a job. After talking with several business owners and reaching a compromise, the fear will be unfounded, especially once the business restructuring is complete.

Old Position->New Position
Cashier @ CupaJava -> Robot Crafter @ Toy Shoppe
Cashier @ Toy Shoppe -> Musician @ "unnamed" jazz club
Cashier @ Farmer's Market -> Flower Arranger @ Farmer's Market
Cashier @ Blossom Salon -> Massuese @ Blossom Salon
Cashier @ AV Bank -> Sales Manager @ AV Bank
Cashier @ AV Gift Shop -> Bartender @ "unnamed" irish sports bar
Cashier @ Medical Centre -> Pharmacist Trainee @ Medical Centre

Business Restructing
We have decided to restructure the main throughway of the hood. Instead of four large 3x1 lots that hold businesses, we are dividing the land into 12-1x1 lots. The new shops will resemble a "main street" style shop (see "Yale Lock Shop"). Business owners will have the opportunity to trade in thier 3x1 lots for 3-1x1 lots, or sell back to the hood the unneeded lots. With this change comes the change that business lots may only hold one business (no more diner/club/store/salon). Construction will begin this simday so that the project can be completed before the new council takes over.

So far we have gotten the following agreements:

R.Wilsonoff: Toy Shoppe; The Peacock; The Green Tables (gaming hall); "unnamed" teen arcade & hangout (selling back 2-1x1 lots)

S.Warwick: CupaJava; "unnamed" irish sports bar; "unnamed" jazz club
A. Herendez: Blossom Salon; Herendez Gallery; un-named Clothing Boutique

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Controversial 3rd Party Technology Approved

Controversial 3rd Party Technology was approved today. Business owners are now able to use an automatic register machine that scans customer purchases on the way out of the store and allows customers to pay at the machine. This eliminates the need for cashiers at business lots resulting in many residents fearing about thier jobs. The Financial Director will state more about this effect and the results.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Archives/Technology Note: Historical Roster and Anniversaries

Decided to keep an historical roster with the date of important events (any event that has paperwork associated with it). The roster will be an excel sheet and searchable by other hoods to research things like family histories, anniversaries of siblings, etc.

Speaking of anniversaries, the president asked me to address that here. Anniversaries are celebrated on the same day each season. For example, a couple marries on 1Winter-Day4; then thier anniversary is on 2Spring-Day 4, 2Summer-Day4, 2Fall-Day4, etc. The same format follows for all other anniversaries (ie-graduations).

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Education Notes: Graduation

Graduation Requirements.

In order to successfully graduate from each level, students must pass the following criteria:

Primary Education
-Must pass skills exam with at least a one in all skills

Secondary Education Level I
(teenagers 12-8 simdays remaining until adulthood)
-Must pass skills exam with at least a four in one skill.

Secondary Education Level II
(teenagers 8-4 simdays remaining until adulthood)
-Must pass skills exam with at least a eight in at least one chosen specialized skill.

Pastoral Notes: Renovations

The Food Expo is upon us again and we're doing major renovations to the church. We plan on adding a fellowship hall so special events can take place at the church. To raise money we're doing a charity fish fry and selling fish plates for §25. We're also asking families to purchase a pew for §500 and thier name will be added to a small plaque on the pew.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Election Speeches

The candidates did thier speeches this past simday.

Fiona Kent-Presidential Candidate

Carmela Herendez-Community Director Candidate

Jolie Dawson-Community Director Candidate

Sazo Kent-Financial Director Candidate

Rebecca Wilsonoff-Financial Director Candidate

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Education Director Note: Extracurriculars and Level III

First-Secondary Level III is no longer an option. Teens not pursuing higher education are free to do what they wish with the remaining four simdays until they become adults. This includes finding jobs, traveling or doing independent study at home.

Got the SimExplorers extracurricular approved. We have an Explorer Leader, Julio Wilsonoff; uniforms (children and teen sizes) are being made and will be delivered soon and we have a few children enrolled. Julio will host the first meeting at Celebration Park, according to his agenda, they will be discussing a camping trip to Schwinster (spelling?) Mountains and handing out uniforms. I'm supposed to check in periodically with the group, but he basically runs it.

Yearbook was also approved as an extracurricular. Only teens are allowed to work on it. They will take various photos throughout the simweek and complie the book. Students will have the opportunity to buy one every simweek. Antonio Herendez has agreed to help the students with thier photos.

Swim Team was approved. Jorge Dawson has agreed to coach it. Students compete in meets everyweekend and train throughout the week.

Finally Su Hoga Su was approved. The honor society is for teens only (A/B students) and they participate in community service. I am the leader of this club for now.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Website Work

I've been reading comments and suggestions about the site's navigation and doing research on how to make the blogs easier to find and navigate. I believe I have a system, so it will be unveiled soon. Articles will be linked from the home page for quicker access and I will also be taking the articles from the old website and putting them in a blog type format-since the pop up ads have been annoying to visitors.

Continue to leave comments on how the site can be better or what's working!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Education Director Note: AVA Page

We've been granted webspace! Yes! Now AVA holds a spot in simnation. I've been working on the page. This has required me to think about what information should be on the page and how to present it. This is different from PAG-since community parents and students will check the webpage for information.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Education Notes: Grading & Curriculm Changes

Many parents have wanted to know exactly how I grade and there's been...external pressure to say the least about the curriculm standards so I'm addressing them both here.

Primary Education
-generalized studies in all skill sets. Must pass skills exam with at least a one in all skills
-typical school day: morning period-skill studying/lunch break & recess/afternoon-skill studying
-GRADING: Students learn one skill a day and recieve an A for thier efforts. Going above that effort results with an A+

Secondary Education Level I
(teenagers 12-8 simdays remaining until adulthood)
-specialized studies . Must pass skills exam with at least a four in one skill.
-typical school day: morning period-skill studying/lunch break/afternoon-skill studying
-GRADING: Students learn at least one skill a day and recieve an A for thier efforts. Going above that effort results with an A+

Secondary Education Level II
(teenagers 8-4 simdays remaining until adulthood)
-specialized studies. Students can chose up to three skill areas for specialized studies. Must pass skills exam with at least a eight in at least one chosen specialized skill.
-typical school day: morning period-specialized studying/lunch break & recess/afternoon-specialized studying
-GRADING: Students learn at least one skill a day and recieve an A for thier efforts. Going above that effort results with an A+

Secondary Education Level III
(teenagers 4 simdays remaining until adulthood that are not attending PAG)
-continued specialized studies. Students can chose up to three skill areas for specialized studies. Must pass skills exam with at least a eight in at least one chosen specialized skill and at least a four in another skill.
-typical school day: morning period-specialized studying/lunch break & recess/afternoon-specialized studying
-GRADING: Students learn one skill a day and recieve an A for thier efforts. Going above that effort results with an A+

Classes are assigned with the help of the teacher. All students will take the following classes at least once. Classes are assigned depending on which specialized area is chosen and focuses within the class are chosen based on student preference.

Art & Music:
Students study art by composing thier own paintings and photography series, field trips to the local art gallery. Students study music by studying the violin.

Primary Education/Secondary Education Level I: Students will spend at least one class period painting and at least one class period learning violin.

Secondary Education Level II/III: Students will spend class periods learning the violin or focusing on painting/photography.

Students study science by observing bacteria in microscopes, maintaining ant farms, repairing and creating basic electronic equiptment and observing nature.

Primary Education/Secondary Education Level I: Students will spend at least one
class period observing bacteria, ants or nature (by hunting for bugs or birdwatching) and at least one class period creating basic electronic equiptment.

Secondary Education Level II/III: Students will spend class periods observing birds, maintaining ant farms, studying bacteria or creating electronic equiptment.

Simish & History:
Students learn simish and history by composing letters and essays, presenting speeches, reading assignments and some movie viewing assignments.

Primary Education/Secondary Education Level I: Students will spend at least
one class period presenting speeches and at least one class period doing reading assignments.

Secondary Education Level II/III: Students will spend class periods presenting speeches and writing.

Physical Education:
Students practice tai chi, yoga, boxing, ballet, football and aerobic fitness. Students also learn about nutrition and healthy eating.

Secondary Education Level I: Students will spend at least one class period practicing boxing or football and at least one class period learning ballet.

Secondary Education Level II/III: Students will spend class periods learning the tai chi, yoga and aerobic fitness.

Home Economics:
Students learn to maintain thier living space by learning proper cleaning concepts, and basic cooking recipes.

Primary Education/Secondary Education Level I: Students will spend at least one class period learning proper cleaning concepts and at least one class period learning basic cooking recipes.

Secondary Education Level II/III: Students will spend class periods learning the advanced cleaning concepts and recipes.

Students are able to spend thier freetime playing games, reading or chatting with friends while eating thier lunch.

Students are given homework 2-3 times a simweek. Homework usually consists of simple assignments to be done with the help of the family. Occasionally students are asked to complete projects started on at school at home or to create projects at home and bring them to school.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

President's Note: The Centre

With salaries increasing, we're trying to find ways to make up the funds without increasing taxes. One way is The Centre. We have fees for renting out the party room for events such as weddings , parties and ceremonies. Also, I will try to increase the number of customers purchasing newspapers, buying items and of course thier filing fees for births, deaths, etc.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Food Expo 2008

The Food Expo 2008 is almost here. All lectures/events at Farmer's Market unless noted. Since it will still be fall, not quite winter, weather shouldn't be a problem.

June-Food in the Garden
Opening CeremonyOpening Address: Ayanna Kent, Hood Council President


Plans for an Effecient Garden-Grex Grey


Fishing Contest (Celebration Park) (same rules as last year)

Raffle for §100 gift certificate from Farmer's Market


Charity Fish Fry (Celebration Park) §5/sim (use the fish from the fishing contest, benefits the church)

July-Food in the Kitchen


Kitchen Designs-Jolie Dawson


Cooking Competition

Raffle for §100 gift certificate from CupaJava


Cookbook Signing with Jolie Dawson (CupaJava)

Lemonade Sale (Dawson Central Plaza) (benefits the school)

August-Food on the Table


A Well Set Table-Fiona Kent


Raffle for §2500 Dining Room Makeover (§50/Ticket)

Raffle for §100 Dinner at The Peacock


Neighborhood Potluck (Dawson Central Plaza) (each family brings a dish)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Website Layout Changes

The website is horrible and in need of better organization. I have written out plans for each section and overall navigation:

Residential Directory
  • Will add photos of the home and each sim to the directory. Thumbnail images only.
  • Will add a census section to include number of sims grouped by ages/gender

Community Life

  • Will add a more in-depth club/organization section
  • Want to reorganize the site to make things easier to find-this section has become a catch-all section.
  • Current page listing in community life includes:
    Apple Valley News;
    Administration, Laws and Rights;
    Archival Room;
    Pierce Apprenticeship Guild (PAG);
    Clubs & Organizations;
    Council Meeting Minutes;
    Office of Tourism;
    Residential Information;
    This SimWeek in Apple Valley;
    Yellow Pages;
  • A better way to organize this information might be the following
    (bold=page linked from toolbar; normal=page linked from the bold page):

    Community Life:
    Apple Valley News;
    Clubs & Organizations;
    This SimWeek in Apple Valley;
    Office of Tourism (with Tours as a sublink of this page);

    Administration Office:
    Administration, Laws and Rights;
    Council Meeting Minutes;
    Archival (and Records) Room;
    Link to new page on Education: Apple Valley Academy & PAG

    Yellow & White Pages
    Residential Information;
    Yellow Pages;
    Pierce Apprenticeship Guild (PAG);
    (links to the Community Store and A. Pentragnani)

Leave comments/suggestions. Feel free to leave any concerns/issues you have had with navigating the site as well.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Financial Director Note: Budget Funds

I propose that the budget have funds established in the budget item for the following areas and managed by the following staff members:

General Fund
-Hood President

Covers expenses for foreign alliances, council administration, immigration/emigration, welfare.

Economic Development Fund

-Financial Director

Covers expenses for local trades and stores, home businesses, imports.

Community Development Fund

-Community Director

Covers expenses for culture, focal farming & fishing, general beautifying (plants, landscape, community lots)

Education Fund

-Education Director

Covers expenses for the administration of the academy & apprenticeship guild

Security Fund

-Security Director

Covers expenses for local infrastructure, security, & justice

Public Health Fund

-Medical Centre Director

Covers expenses for the adminstration of the Medical Centre

Archives/Technology Fund

-Archives/Technology Officer

Covers expenses for the community library and archives, press relations, website, electronic infrastructure

This will allow directors to have more control over thier funds for thier projects. This also creates the need for directors to present budget proposals in addition to task proposals at the start of thier term. An initial budget meeting will determine which items are funded and which are not. Some income from the hood residents will go directly to certain funds (ie-payment for security monitering goes to the security fund; tuition payments for the apprenticeship guild goes to the education fund; etc)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Community Director: Naming

The names for several buildings are very...generic. So we're asking residents to help us name them, starting with the administrative buildings and then going on to the parks and finally the community owned buildings.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Security Note: Funds & Sales

To help raise simoleans for the security fund I propose that residents are charge $250/simweek for monitoring services on thier security system and $250/simweek for monitoring services on thier fire system. This fee would not include the cost to buy the equiptment. If all residents were outfitted with both monitoring services that would bring in $5000/simweek. The funds would help in paying my salary, making sure vehicles/equiptment are up-to-date for emergency response.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Community Art Collection

I propose we build up the culture and arts of Apple Valley, first with establishing a community art collection.

It will enable the Hood Council to acquire the highest quality artwork, create community landmarks that foster pride, and incorporate community input into the design of shared public spaces throughout the hood. It also offers opportunities to local artists to display thier craft.

First we will have an art call for submissions that truly reflect Apple Valley. All residents-toddlers thru elders can submit thier artwork. We will take a collection of the artwork and have it etched into the fountain in Central Core Park.

Next we will work on aquiring pieces to place in civic buildings-such as The Centre, Apple Valley Academy, etc.

While we're at it, we should establish a community art musuem. Perhaps the Herendez Gallery would be a good spot-there would be no fees to establish the site, since it's already prepared for art work and we would simply pay to have the installations hanging there. A win-win situation as more residents would visit the gallery to view art work and some might buy his custom pieces.

Medical Centre Director: Fee Schedule

Good news and bad news. The Medical Centre employees are getting raises. With the cost of living and market rates our raises are now

*Medical Centre Director-§600/simdaily (§3000/simweek)
*Medical Centre Nurse-§400/simdaily (§2000/simweek)
*Medical Centre Surgeon-§500/simdaily (§2500/simweek)
*Medical Centre Psychologist-§500/simdaily (§2500/simweek)

Total Salary Costs=§2,000/simday (§10,000/simweek)

Bad news. To compensate for the higher wages-the fees must increase and changes made to the Medical Centre

The previous Medical/Community fees were:
Broken Limb = §1,500
IVF Treatment =§5,000
Induced Labor= §2,500
Consulation with Doctor =§100
Plastic Surgery/per part= §3,000

New Proposed Fees are:
Broken Limb =§1,500
IVF Treatment =§5,000
Induced Labor= §2,500
Consulation with Doctor (mandatory once each lifespan)= §250
Plastic Surgery/per part =§3,000
Pre-Natal Fees=§2,000
Childbirth Fee=§1,000

There are other fees for such items as rehabilitation, overnight stays, etc. However, these are a case-by-case basis.

The gift shop will no longer sell oranges and will increase the supply of prescription drugs. A rooftop basketball court and hot tub have been added for healther living while one of the overnight rooms have been remodeled to become a plastic surgery room. An indoor pool has also been installed and hopefully more residents will visit the centre for thier everyday health needs-not just in emergencies.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Community Director: Blessed Harvest Day

So the proposal for Blessed Harvest Day is as follows:

From noon-6pm, The Farmer's Market will be open for residents to buy turkeys, visit the food competition table and enter their best Blessed Harvest Day entree or side dish (no turkeys), or browse the booths for information about Blessed Harvest Day. At 3pm-I will give a speech about the holiday and then residents can walk to the church for the evening service before retiring to thier homes for the Blessed Harvest meal.

It is very simple due to the wedding of the Hood President's daughter.

Education Note: Revised Academy Curriculm

Based on the new deal and response from parents, here is a modified curriculm for the academy.

Primary Education

-generalized studies in all skill sets. Must pass skills exam with at least a one in all skills and at least a three in four skills.
-typical school day: morning period-skill studying/lunch break & recess/afternoon-skill studying

Secondary Education Level I
(teenagers 12-8 simdays remaining until adulthood)
-continued generalized studies in all skills. Must pass skills exam with at least a three in all skills.
-typical school day: morning period-skill studying/lunch break/afternoon-skill studying

Secondary Education Level II
(teenagers 8-4 simdays remaining until adulthood)
-specialized studies. Students can chose up to three skill areas for specialized studies. Must pass skills exam with at least a eight in at least one chosen specialized skill.
-typical school day: morning period-specialized studying/lunch break & recess/afternoon-specialized studying

Secondary Education Level III
(teenagers 4 simdays remaining until adulthood that are not attending the apprenticeship guild)
-continued specialized studies. Students can chose up to three skill areas for specialized studies. Must pass skills exam with at least a eight in at least two chosen specialized skills.
-typical school day: morning period-specialized studying/lunch break & recess/afternoon-specialized studying

Classes are assigned with the help of the teacher. All students will take the following classes at least once. Classes are assigned depending on which specialized area is chosen and focuses within the class are chosen based on student preference.

Art & Music:
Students study art by composing thier own paintings and photography series, field trips to the local art gallery. Students study music by studying the violin.

Primary Education/Secondary Education Level I: Students will spend at least one class period painting and at least one class period learning violin.

Secondary Education Level II/III: Students will spend class periods learning the violin or focusing on painting/photography.

Students study science by observing bacteria in microscopes, maintaining ant farms, repairing and creating basic electronic equiptment and observing nature.

Primary Education/Secondary Education Level I: Students will spend at least one
class period observing bacteria, ants or nature (by hunting for bugs or birdwatching) and at least one class period creating basic electronic equiptment.

Secondary Education Level II/III: Students will spend class periods observing birds, maintaining ant farms, studying bacteria or creating electronic equiptment.

Simish & History:
Students learn simish and history by composing letters and essays, presenting speeches, reading assignments and some movie viewing assignments.

Primary Education/Secondary Education Level I: Students will spend at least
one class period presenting speeches and at least one class period doing reading assignments.

Secondary Education Level II/III: Students will spend class periods presenting speeches and writing.

Physical Education:
Students practice tai chi, yoga, boxing, ballet, football and aerobic fitness. Students also learn about nutrition and healthy eating.

Secondary Education Level I: Students will spend at least one class period practicing boxing or football and at least one class period learning ballet.

Secondary Education Level II/III: Students will spend class periods learning the tai chi, yoga and aerobic fitness.

Home Economics:
Students learn to maintain thier living space by learning proper cleaning concepts, and basic cooking recipes.

Primary Education/Secondary Education Level I: Students will spend at least one class period learning proper cleaning concepts and at least one class period learning basic cooking recipes.

Secondary Education Level II/III: Students will spend class periods learning the advanced cleaning concepts and recipes.

Students are able to spend thier freetime playing games, reading or chatting with friends while eating thier lunch.

Students are given homework 2-3 times a simweek. Homework usually consists of simple assignments to be done with the help of the family. Occasionally students are asked to complete projects started on at school at home or to create projects at home and bring them to school.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

President Note: Salaries

The salary for civic employees is direly under market. I propose we raise the salaries to make them more competitive as such:

Council President-no change

Council Members-no change (this position requires that the members gain outside employment)

Medical Centre Director-$600/simdaily ($3000/simweek)

Medical Centre Nurse-$400/simdaily ($2000/simweek)

Medical Centre Surgeon-$500/simdaily ($2500/simweek)

Medical Centre Psychologist-$500/simdaily ($2500/simweek)

Archives/Technology Officer-$400/simdaily ($2000/simweek)

Security Director-$500/simdaily ($2500/simweek)

Pastoral Director-$150/simdaily ($750/simweek)

Education Direction-$300/simdaily ($1500/simweek)

In order to fund these raises, I propose the following:
-Medical Centre to update thier fee schedule (please create a proposal outlining this)
-The Centre must raise it's business rank to gain more funding (please create a proposal outlining this)
-Security Director will provide monitoring services for residents (please create a proposal outlining this)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Education Note: Hobbies

With the new deal, the responsibility seems to have fallen upon me to expose the hood's youngest residents to the world of hobbies and leisure time. Students can become exposed to cuisine through family activities of dining out. Also, students will be exposed to various lesiure time activites when they study for thier skill tests.

Here are some ways in which students will be exposed to leisure activities. I will post another note detailing changes in curriculm and class schedules.

Arts and Crafts

Art Class: Students will take pictures and paint to expose them to art.

Film and Literature

Classroom reading assignments and field trips to art gallery.


Physical Education class students will practice tai chi and yoga.


Recess: Students will have access to darts and chess.

Music + Dance

Physical Education class students will pratice ballet. Music class: students will practice violins (take up less space).


Science class: students will maintain a class aquariam and participate in bird watching and bug collecting.


Science class: students will maintain a class ant farm.


Physical Education class-students will practice soccer and boxing. Recess, students have access to various balls for playing catch and basketball.


Science class: students will learn to repair objects.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Website Changes

I think the online paper could use a little more "jazz". Especially the annoucement pages. Perhaps we should ask residents for photos with thier annoucements (Engagement Photos, Birth Annoucements, etc)

Also, Blueberry Bluff allows other hoods to display thier news. I think that Apple Valley should participate in the endeavour, also we should aire local news broadcast on SBN. I would be the natural choice for news anchor.

Another thing, I think we should have id photos of the residents with thier resident profile. Perhaps similar to Simmerville's listing of households.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Education Note: Trades School

Based on my earlier reports, I indicated that the hood would benefit from a trades school on the isle. This trade school would allow students to study closer to home without taking the long ferry ride to the BAP campus, allow students to study the skills and trades that are necessary to life in Apple Valley and still have the benefits of university life (dorm living, advanced classes and more). Talks with deans at Bryant A Pierce have resulted in a large educational grant for the new campus to be named: Pierce Apprenticeship Guild.


The campus will not only house rooms for six students and the full time Master Scholar, but the classrooms where students learn thier trades. Students will reside in either single or double rooms. The single rooms are reserved for the student voted Guild Hall Assistant by the other students. Guild Hall Assistants are responsible for ensuring that students are in thier rooms by curfew, the hall bathrooms are presentable for daily inspection and conduct is acceptable on campus at all times. The classrooms will house the best equipment for instruction where the Master Scholar and community partners teach the students necessary skills and training. There is a small yard, dining room and relaxation room, however students may desire to visit community lots for thier recreation needs. Also, parents are not allowed on campus except during designated visiting hours. No visitors are to be allowed in the dorm rooms

Teens with four simdays remaining until adulthood will be eligible for entrance into the school.

Entrance will be determined by the following rubic:

Interview with the Master Scholar (50%)
Entrance Score Exam (50%)

The entrance score exam details will be listed on the guild's website, however it consists of thier marks in secondary school, number of skills and extracurricular activities/jobs.

The interview with the Master Scholar will be scored on a scale of -100 to 100 points. Interviews are 3 hours long and the beginning interview score and the end interview score are subtracted so that each applicant is on equal footing with the Master Scholar.

Master Scholar
The grant covers the salary of a Master Scholar to manage the school's day-to-day operations. The Master Scholar must be a FENSA society member with a fair number of badges and dedicated to the art of knowledge.

Apprenticeship Opportunities
Students will be given opportunities to work with community partners in thier business for hands-on experience in thier chosen guild. Not all guilds have this opportunity and students must check with the Master Scholar first. If an opportunity exists, the student must have completed two simdays of study and be on track for thier graduation requirements before they are able to accept the opportunity. They will recieve a small stipend for thier work and many students may even recieve a full-time offer once they graduate.

Community Partners
Community partners are asked to open thier businesses for the students to receive hands-on training. Community partners pay a small stipend of §1000 for each student in addition to thier wages. Students can work a maximum of four hours simdaily for the two simdays. Upon thier graduation, the student is free to accept a full-time offer.

Community Partners are also asked to teach some classes to allow students to gain appreciation for how thier skills and badges will be used after graduation.

Seven guilds were created as a result of the campus. Community Partners were inducted as founding members and guild members will be in charge of leading the guild (after graduation). Each guild must submit a proper name and insignia. This insignia will grace the guild diplomas. Each guild is free to have thier own induction ceremony for graduates, in addition to the school wide graduation.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Security Note: No Enforcement

How can I enforce without a jail? Better yet, how can I enfore when residents don't think my job is neccessary. Many of the residents think that my position is a waste of tax simoleans, they fail to realize my role. The hood council said that writing a security note listing my duties would help.

  • Solve local conflicts
    Serve as judge for minor distrubances (vandalism, noise issues, fights, etc)

  • Manage domestic security
    Patrol the access road
    Patrol the neighborhood
    Enforce the teenage curfew

  • Serve as local police officer with office at The Centre
    Be available for questions and concerns
    Give classes about security
    Manage the voting procedures

Monday, February 25, 2008

Hood Council Note: Education Curriculm

I saw the copy of the Professional Jobs Report and have looked at the current curriculm to make neccessary changes. 88% of jobs require a degree or technical badge; 38% require only a degree; 50% require some form or technical badge; while 25% require no advanced educational training.

I have determined that Apple Valley would benefit from a trades campus on the island to award trade degrees for the jobs on the isle. Basically preparing our future sitizens for work on the isle. This would help keep students nearby instead of them making the long commute to Bryant A Pierce University. In fact, the hood should no longer be associated with the university as there are questions about objectivity.

Based on this, I propose the following curriculm changes

Primary Education

-generalized studies in all skill sets except physical education. Must pass
skills exam with at least a one in all skills and at least a three in four

-typical school day: morning period-skill studying/lunch break & recess/afternoon-skill studying

Secondary Education Level I
(teenagers 12-8 simdays remaining until adulthood)

-continued generalized studies in all skills. Must pass skills exam with at least a three in all skills.

-typical school day: morning period-skill studying/lunch break/afternoon-skill studying

Secondary Education Level II
(teenagers 8-4 simdays remaining until adulthood)

-specialized studies. Students can chose up to three skill areas for specialized
studies. Must pass skills exam with at least a eight in at least one chosen
specialized skill.

-typical school day: morning period-specialized studying/lunch break & recess/afternoon-specialized studying

Secondary Education Level III
(teenagers 4 simdays remaining until adulthood that are not attending trades school)

-continued specialized studies. Students can chose up to three skill areas
for specialized studies. Must pass skills exam with at least a eight in at least
two chosen specialized skills.

-typical school day: morning period-specialized studying/lunch break & recess/afternoon-specialized studying

This would allow students to spend time at home playing and doing homework instead of focusing on skill studies. With the new deal approaching, students will also be able to concentrate on thier hobbies and extracurricular pursuits.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Hood Council Note: Professional Jobs

Residents are upset about the lack of "professional" jobs in the hood. For my purposes, I've defined "professional" to mean a job that requires a university degree or advanced training not readily available. I've done a survey and discovered the following:

  • The Medical Centre requires a university degree to be eligible for a job.
    Medical Centre Director-Pre-Medical Biology or Psychology degree
    Nurse-Psychology degree
    Pharmacist-Natural Science degree
    Surgeon-Pre-Medical Biology degree

  • Some Civic Employees are required to hold degrees pertaining to thier position.
    Hood Council President-Pre-Law or Political Science degree
    Hood Council Financial Director-Economics or Business Administration degree
    Hood Council Community Director-Psychology degree
    Educational Director-Education degree
    Archives/Technology Officer-Literature or Engineering or History degree
    Police Officer-Pre-Law or Political Science degree

  • Business Owners require the following skills/degrees for jobs

    Cashier-silver register badge or Business Administration degree
    Baker-cooking experience of level 5 or higher
    Sales-silver sales badge or Business Administration or Psychologydegree

The Toy Shoppe

Crafter-silver toy making badge
Cashier-silver register badge or Business Administration degree
Sales-silver sales badge or Business Administration or Psychology degree

Fresh Flora

Crafter-silver flower making badge
Cashier-silver register badge or Business Administration degree
Sales-silver sales badge or Business Administration or Psychology degree

The Peacock

Host-silver sales badge or Business Administration or Psychology degree
Chef-cooking experience of level 5 or higher
Musician-creativity experience of level 6 or higher or Music degree

The Blossom Salon

Cashier-silver register badge or Business Administration degree
Sales-silver sales badge or Business Administration or Psychology degree
Hair Stylist-silver cosmetology badge or Technical Theatre degree

Based on the results, it seems like there is a fair mix of professional level jobs, technical skill level jobs and even jobs that require no experience. I am forwarding the results of the study to the Educational Director so that he may make changes to the curriculm to prepare the next generation of citizens for work in the hood.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Financial Director Notes: New Director's Plan

Since I am the new Financial Director for the interim, I have made updates and changes to the plan.

Local businesses and associated laws

  • Establish a program for New Small Business Owners:
    Give new business owners $1000-$3000 credit towards purchase of a community lot.
    Help business owners network with other small business owners in other hoods, perhaps the resurgance of the Small Business Conference.

  • Establish a plan for business certificates.
    Business owners must purchase business certificates for a cost. The certificate must be displayed at all times due to random checks. A file will be kept in the administrative offices.

Implement taxes and welfare support

  • Establish a program for Mortgage Loans:
    Borrower must provide at least 10% down paymentLoans must be paid off within 42 simdays (six simweeks) Payments will be daily.

  • Increase rental fees:
    Increase rental fees on the Starr Grey Townhomes (two-2 unit townhomes on McIntosh) due to promixity to main strip. No longer necessary

  • Change tax structure:
    Instead of $750/simweek per residental lot, increase it to $750/simweek per family. Removes loophole where families in multi-family housing paid less in taxes than other residents.

Manage the local real estates and architectural planning of the hood

  • Decrease number of multi-family units from 10 to 4

  • Build mixed income housing area:

  • Renovate Pavilion

  • Build Celebration Park II

  • Revamp Celebration Park I

  • Combine Celebration Park I and II

  • Expand Modern Sculpture Park

  • Renovate The Core

Educational Director Note: After the Storm

With the storm, I had to re-write my proposal for my term. Since I am not elected, the hood council wants an update from me every simweek.

Manages the school and curriculm.

  • Host graduation ceremony for graduates of the school.

  • Create curriculm to meet future needs of the hood.

Works as a liason with university administration

  • Host graduation ceremony for graduates of the university.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Community Director Note: After The Storm

Here's an update to my plan and the changes made because of the storm:

Secure family values, uphold rights for children and elders

  • Encourage families to create wills by hosting a free class at The Centre, free donuts will bring a bigger crowd

  • Research health insurance policies for residents

  • Establish a play group system for children to meet thier neighbors
Ensure a family friendly and healthy community for current & future generations.

  • Encourage residents to compost instead of trash (see report in paper)

  • Install more lights and benches at the parks

  • Obtain address signs for homes

Ensure adequate culture, local food produce, restaurants and bars, & social meeting places.

  • Look into selling travel certificates. Decided the national travel agency can manage this until the hood is settled after the storm

  • Look into hosting charter tours. Decided the national travel agency can manage this until the hood is settled after the storm

  • Host a child friendly event: Children's Festival with free lemonade and sweets and local entertainment and games and prizes. Location: Celebration Park or Modern Sculpture Park, cost for residents: free Canceled due to storm

  • Host a teen-friendly event.Musik Festival with concerts from local bands and maybe some international acts (contact Sergio Gitano of Harper's Cove, post notice on Career & Fame Board). Location: The Foundry Canceled due to storm

  • Add a trend section in the local paper. Will review resturaunts, bars, etc. Also help residents stay abreast of the local trends.

  • Allow local farmer's to reside on larger lots, thus produce more food.

  • Build a public pool and gym for residents to enjoy in the summer time

  • Look into hosting an awards ceremony
Ensure a quality education system for residents

  • Build a local school for the children of Apple Valley.

  • Host graduation ceremonies for graduates of the school and the university. The Educational Director is in charge of this now.

  • Encourage more extracurricular activities for teens and children-start with debate team, chess club, and simscouting program Postponed until more information about Spring 2008 Deal is revealed.

Archives/Technology Note: New Officer

As the newArchives/Technology Officer I was charged to go over the plan and present it to the residents of Apple Valley.

Assist in the management of family tree information: Will update the family tree document monthly and upload the updates once a quarter. Possibility of adding DNA information or at least special cases (ie-green alien race, blue alien race, ozian race, etc)

Collect community & residents registry: Will start maintaining basic residents information online for current residents only. Information will include: names, preferences, badges, aspiration, zodiac signs, career & education, hobbies and group membership. Must upload an updated map of the hood. Also started looking for TS1 photos and will make a collection for families to have thier historical photographs.

Test and implement 3rd party technology: Currently culling CC folders of little use items. Also looking to compile and combine items and use more MAXIS meshes.

Perform back-ups of resident information: Backups are current

Serve as local reporter: Online paper could be jazzed up a bit. Also looking to create telecast news broadcasts locally and internationally.

Manage the local library: Library is much smaller (in fact my office is in the "library" which consists of a few bookshelves). New titles are arriving each day, however there is a lack of local authors.

Manage the Historical Society: With the new land mass, the history of Apple Valley needs to be researched. The Historical Society is looking at creating three seperate histories (1) TS1 times and the land (2) TS2 before the great storm (3) TS2 after the great storm.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Hood Council Note: Comprehensive Plan-Volume II - The Plan: Goals, Objectives, Policies & Implementation Recommendations

Volume II - The Plan: Goals, Objectives, Policies & Implementation Recommendations (After the Storm)
Chapter 1 - Population and Demographics

Due to the decreasing population and aging of residents, recommend special iniatives for these demographics. Encourage families to have two children, encourage elders to pass on talents and knowledge to younger generation. It's estimated that in a span of fifteen simdays the population will have leveled off with an even number of births to deaths.

Chapter 2 - Land Use

Recommend publishing the construction criteria online for residents and other hoods to consult, especially with the hood now occupying a smaller landmass.

Chapter 3 - Transportation

Recommend building a dock to allow for better travel options bewteen hoods. The dock can also hold hotel rooms for visiting sims, small diner and shopping options. Ferries and sailboats currently transport sims to the nearby Pringit City for interesting nightlife and there is still a contract for travel to the various vacation locations.

Chapter 4 - Housing

Once residents are moved into thier homes on the island, focus will be on remodeling and permit criteria for renovation projects.

Chapter 5 - Economic Development

Due to isolation and long ferry rides, recomment that all residents work locally. To reach this goal, the hood council will invest in local and administrative businesses by offering incentives to businesses for hiring local employees, affordable business loans and encouraging residents to spend more by asking local stores to offer sales.

Chapter 6 - Natural & Agricultural Resources

Recommend encouraging farm to invest in greenhouses and more farm land to prepare excess produce for the winter season. Especially with landmass being limited, and food delivery is now much longer, local produce is of essence.

Chapter 7 - Parks & Open Space

With the limited landmass, the number of parks has decreased, however there is still plenty of green space and spectacular views of the surrounding ocean. However due to the rocky nature of the island, beach access is banned.
Chapter 8 - Historic & Cultural Resources

Recommend investing in historical and cultural aspects of the hood by hosting a seasonal celebration. Each season a celebration will be held to mark historic events in Apple Valley's history and to celebrate the unique blending of culture.

Chapter 9 - Community Facilities (Police, Fire, Community, School)

There is a need for a police station and fire station as it will take to long for SCPD and SCFD to respond to emergencies. The local Medical Centre is used for medical needs and the school is for all dependants under the age of young adult.

Chapter 10 - Utilities

Currently the community uses wind power and utilities from SC.

Chapter 11 - Intergovernmental Cooperation

Currently the hood is active in the SUN Core and has relationships with other

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hood Council Note: Comprehensive Plan-Volume I - Background Information

Volume I - Background Information
This report details the state of the hood before the storm.

Chapter 1 - Population and Demographics

The population was decreasing due to emmigration and low birthrates. The population is aging and there may not be enough of the younger generation to substain the hood in the future.

Chapter 2 - Land Use

Land was under very strict control. There are construction requirements and criteria for each street. McIntosh allows for up to three levels and is mostly commerical. Each residental streets have house value criteria and there are plenty of green spaces and parks.

Chapter 3 - Transportation

With the new BV deal, cars have been discouraged due to the small size of the neighborhood and easy walking distance to most places. Carpools and public taxis make transportation faster. There is an airport nearby, but residents must take a ferry to get there.

Chapter 4 - Housing

All sims have adequate housing. Even the lower valued homes are still great in terms of comfort. Mortgages allow for residents to obtain the home of thier dreams. There is little movement within the hood, most residents focus on improving thier home.

Chapter 5 - Economic Development

Unemployment is at record lows especially since Apple Valley gathers data on residents that manage thier own businesses (though technically unemployed, they gather income). Descretionary spending is low with most sims spending 50% or more of every simolean they make on household expenses and food.

Chapter 6 - Natural & Agricultural Resources

Currently there is one farm to provide food and fresh produce to the hood. Residents can buy food from other hoods, but must pay a delivery surcharge.

Chapter 7 - Parks & Open Space

Currently there are three parks to service residents: Celebration Park,
Children's Park and Botanical Gardens.

Chapter 8 - Historic & Cultural Resources

Currently no way to track or maintain historic or cultural resources in spite of Apple Valley's rich cultural history and long past.

Chapter 9 - Community Facilities (Police, Fire, Community, School)

Currently there is an unmanned police station (awaiting a police chief to occupy
the site) thus we must use SCPD. The hood uses SCFD for fire related emergencies
and the local Medical Centre for medical needs. There is a school for teenagers
as an alternative to SC's public school system. Currently there are a few
community lots for residents (The Pavilion and The Centre).

Chapter 10 - Utilities

Currently the community uses wind power and utilities from SC.
Chapter 11 - Intergovernmental Cooperation

Currently the hood is active in the SUN Core and has relationships with
other hoods.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Archives/Technology Note: Historical Society

The Historical Society met concerning awarding Historical Preservation Awards. These little plaques can be mounted outside the local for all to see.

Eligibility for Historical Preservation Award:
This award will recognize the best work in protecting a threatened historic property in Apple Valley. The historic property may be a building, structure, object, site or district. Commendable community and individual efforts such as advocacy, fund raising, creation of a protective ordinance, physical stabilization, and repair will be recognized.

Historical Preservation Award Criteria:
Nominations will be evaluated by the following criteria:
-The degree to which projects have overcome a significant, tangible threat to the historic resource (the type and degree of the threat to the property should be identified)
-The degree to which the project has successfully protected a historic resource from harm
-The degree to which efforts have been made to ensure the future protection of the property through fund raising, covenants, reuse, and rehabilitation plans or other measures

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Hood Council Note: Party Areas

Residents are complaining about the lack of places to marry and throw parties in the hood. I propose that we install a wedding arch at the ballroom at The Centre and truly renovate that space to be a nice party facility. Currently the ballroom only occupies the second floor, but with the demolition of the courthouse, I believe we can turn the ballroom into a very nice amenity and many brides and grooms will love to visit the place and make it thier own. We can make it a two story venue, with the alter and wedding area downstairs (the layout can be moved into various ways-round, alter, etc) and the reception area upstairs (buffet tables, piano, DJ booth, tables and chairs, dance floor, cake & champagne table)

Friday, January 4, 2008

Hood Council Note: Budget

Should we publish the budget? Time moves by so slowly here in the hood and we keep a budget for each simweek. I suppose publishing it won't hurt-it will help residents realize where the money is going and how much things cost. That would help residents be more trusting of the hood council and our desicions to better the hood.

Hood Council Note: Dyanamics of Hood

The hood is changing, it's getting smaller as more sims decide not to return after college, emigrate to other hoods or simply leave. Also residents having fewer children. This change is not a bad thing as the hood wants to stabilize and focus on the charm of small town living. Many other residents have applied for emigration and are currently waiting on external things-like promotions, children reaching certain ages and such before they leave.

With the population decreasing, do we have a need for multi-family housing? There are still sims that desire the convenience of living on McIntosh and walking to work and entertainment areas-they don't want the traditional single family homes. But is multi-family living the way to go? Or should we encourage the building of single family townhomes. The Apple Valley Boarding House is still empty, there haven't been any boarders since it's existence and that lot is 3x2, perhaps it can be converted into a series of flats, but under what surname? Perhaps simply building a 2x2 home for downtown living is best and it can be rented-perfect for those just starting out. Except there are not too many sims just starting out (especially with the surname law). Most families are pretty well off and stable in their finances, there are only a few that have a lower income. Is our hood becoming elitist?

To counter-act the possibility of becoming elitist, I propose that we tear down the Apple Valley Boarding House and create a nice multi-sim living community. With 3-4 units, community gardens and direct access to the Celebration Park behind the lot, this multi-sim lot can be very beautiful and desired amoung younger sims returning from college, but not ready to move home yet due to circumstances. We'll have the surname be the name of the community (McIntosh Parque Place or simply Parque) for easy transmission of funds. We'll limit each unit to 2 sims each and limit the rental period to one season (6-7 simdays). Rental fees would cover garden maintaince and home maintaince. The rent would be low, less than $1000 each simweek (or $1000 the entire rental period).

The current townhome on McIntosh will be rebuilt into a single family townhome and then placed on the market for those sims desiring urban living, yet have more than 2 sims in thier family and desire to put thier roots down.

This would help out a few college graduates and sims that desire to stay in the hood, while their family desires to move elsewhere.