Thursday, June 12, 2008

Education Director Note: Extracurriculars and Level III

First-Secondary Level III is no longer an option. Teens not pursuing higher education are free to do what they wish with the remaining four simdays until they become adults. This includes finding jobs, traveling or doing independent study at home.

Got the SimExplorers extracurricular approved. We have an Explorer Leader, Julio Wilsonoff; uniforms (children and teen sizes) are being made and will be delivered soon and we have a few children enrolled. Julio will host the first meeting at Celebration Park, according to his agenda, they will be discussing a camping trip to Schwinster (spelling?) Mountains and handing out uniforms. I'm supposed to check in periodically with the group, but he basically runs it.

Yearbook was also approved as an extracurricular. Only teens are allowed to work on it. They will take various photos throughout the simweek and complie the book. Students will have the opportunity to buy one every simweek. Antonio Herendez has agreed to help the students with thier photos.

Swim Team was approved. Jorge Dawson has agreed to coach it. Students compete in meets everyweekend and train throughout the week.

Finally Su Hoga Su was approved. The honor society is for teens only (A/B students) and they participate in community service. I am the leader of this club for now.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Website Work

I've been reading comments and suggestions about the site's navigation and doing research on how to make the blogs easier to find and navigate. I believe I have a system, so it will be unveiled soon. Articles will be linked from the home page for quicker access and I will also be taking the articles from the old website and putting them in a blog type format-since the pop up ads have been annoying to visitors.

Continue to leave comments on how the site can be better or what's working!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Education Director Note: AVA Page

We've been granted webspace! Yes! Now AVA holds a spot in simnation. I've been working on the page. This has required me to think about what information should be on the page and how to present it. This is different from PAG-since community parents and students will check the webpage for information.