Monday, April 20, 2009

Hood Council Meeting: Patar 2001

Hood Council Meeting
Patar 2001
Attendees: Fiona Kent, Carmela Herendez, Rebecca Wilsonoff, Johan Shazad, Julio Wilsonoff

The hood council meeting comes to a start with Rebecca Wilsonoff noting the collection from the recent tax day.

"§61,000 was collected from registered Apple Valley residents while §150,000 was collected from tourist fees and usage fees. A grand total of §211,000 is available until 2004 when another tax collection will be due."

Fiona opens the floor for proposals from each council member.

"Personally, I would love to see a theater for the children and residents. We need more culture options in the hood. Let's start with Carmela."

Carmela agrees. "My proposal does include a theater. Two in fact. An amphitheater at the Alisa Crawston Park for casual outdoor performances and another formal theater on Apple Valley Metro for more classical performances like ballet and violin concerts."

Fiona nods, "This would go very well with the musuem you proposed the other day, Rebecca. Perhaps you and Carmela can meet and combine your proposals. Let's see if we can save some money by combining them."

Johan nods. "I hope to see both buildings soon. The children need more exposure to culture and life. I can provide them with the basics such as algebra and simlish history, but I would like to start increasing the field trips for the children beyond the school yard."
"Before we can even think about more field trips," Julio interrupts. "We need to give parents the tools they need for raising thier children. I see so many children in the clinic for simple reasons that education of our parents could have avoided...dehydration, lack of exercise and the all too common 'sitting in front of the tv-itis'."

Carmela agrees. "My last report on the aging and health of the hood reflected the same thing. I agree that money should be spent on parent education as well as ensuring that our children are exposed to healthy alternatives besides sugary snacks and TV shows."
"Didn't we just install vending machines in the school?" Fiona asked Rebecca and Johan. "Are we contributing to the problem?"
Rebecca nodded. "We still can't justify hiring a full time cook for the school lunches and encourage students to bring thier lunch. However, if a student forgets thier lunch, we need to provide some form of substance even if it is a sugary drink. The extra simoleans are going towards the school as well. Correct, Johan?"
Johan nodded. "The money does help with minor repairs and school supplies. Speaking of repairs, Lyndon couldn't make it to the meeting and asked me to present his proposal. If that's ok?"
"The church is in desperate need of a renovation. The space is too small for weddings and Lyndon proposes adding a second floor for wedding celebrations and a small banquet hall. Also, the graveyard is in need of more landscaping and better lighting."
Fiona nodded.

"Any one else would like to add anything to the meeting?"

"Yes," Carmela spoke up. "We still need a place where pet owners can take thier animals."

"Any other proposals, please submit them before the next meeting."

Results of the meeting

Church renovation=§15,000

Adapting existing parks with pet facilities=§7,000

Apple Valley Metro Theater=§50,000

Alisa Crawston Amphitheater=§5,000

Pet Registration Festival=§1,000

Apple Valley Children's Park=§50,000

Total Budgeted For=§128,000


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Education Director: PU and Vocational Training

As part of my duties with Pierce University, I visited the academic quad as it prepared for it's first class in simyears. I must admit, I am quite proud of everything. The Wilsonoff family commissioned the Wilsonoff School of Business, while the Herendez family donated to the Arts Building. Other donations include a piano from the Kents to the Fine Arts School and the Warwicks even donated simoleans for the fountain to be installed.
While the university is still taking shape and preparing for the first students, I am overseeing the Vocational Training classes in the hood. I am lining up guest lecturers to speak on thier dedicated talent. Antonio has agreed to give a talk about the basics of pottery and Jadhira has also agreed to speak concerning basic flower arrangement. These classes will help residents expand thier knowledge beyond the basic skills of cooking and cleaning. Also, this will give a way for those not interested in university to find out other ways to apply thier intelligence.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Financial Director: Jonagold Shoppes

I'm pleased to annouced the grand opening of the Jonagold Shoppes I and Jonagold Shoppes II. I am posting exclusive photos of Jonagold Shoppes II, located behind Daniels Row near the main ferry road.

Residents can expect to find lots of shops targeting various hobbies and interests. There is the Bohemian Books, where many sims find themselves discussing the latest books or films. Culinary Cooks Rock, a cooking school and showcase for the best cooks to compete in cooking competitions. An indoor sports arena, dance hall, stand-up comedy club, gym and my personal favorite, a two level artists studio specializing in classes in pottery, sewing, painting and toy construction.

Jonagold Shoppes I features stores for the basic shopping needs of our residents.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Archives/Technology: New Calendar and Blog Schedule

New Calendar
There has been much discussion about a new calendar for Apple Valley. Many residents feel that the #Season-#Simday isn't reflective of the dynamic nature of the hood. Also, some residents are pushing for 2 simday rotations instead of 1 simday rotations. The hood council discussed that if we move to 2-simday rotations, then households will have to wait longer for thier turn and this will throw the publication of the newspaper and other news off.

Right now we require all households to be on the same simday (ie simMonday, Fall Day 2) , but this might change when families start to move into the hood (now requiring that they move in on the start if a season, not simMonday as before).

However, to make sense of the dynamical nature of the hood (who would believe that during the rotation of Doe's home, John Doe has a crush on Jane Smith and they have a successful date, but during the rotation of the Smith home, Jane falls in love with John and they marry-all in the same simday!) Thus we will revive the ancient tradition of SimLonic Calendar.

The SimLonic Calendar
-8 months
-one or more household(s) will be featured each month


Spring/Hapar/Month of Happiness
Spring/Lovar/Month of Love

Summer/ Patar/ Month of Patience
Summer/ Remar/ Month of Remembering

Autumn/ Havar/ Month of Harvesting
Autumn/ Resar/ Month of Resting

Winter/ Givar/ Month of Giving
Winter/ Peacar/ Month of Peace

The new calendar will go into effect immediately (simTuesday) with the year 2000. The only changes will be the dates in the newspaper and website will no longer say simday.

Blog Schedule
Families will not which month they are updating for and blogs will now be updated every 4 days in month order. We will try this rotation and schedule for a while before re-evaluating whether or not to move to one blog for the entire community much like Lakeside Heights.